Sep 22, 2023Liked by @Govro12 WinterGems Stocks

Interesting, I wonder if the last two years is a bit of a cyclical high in projects as it seemed that the Ukraine war pushed for industry and construction of Infrastructure in Eastern europe? Any feedback on that?

where do we see future growth. Did you see that in the Annual reports, Thanks

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Cyclicality is linked to oil and gaz. Industrial complex as well. It seems that we are seeing a slow down in sales in end of 2023. Future growth would be market share gain and geographical expansion (Western Europe and NA)

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by @Govro12 WinterGems Stocks

Fascinating company and great write up, thanks! Do you have any insight into the competitive landscape and their competitive advantage?

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I think they are lower priced than traditional Western Europe North American company. Ametek, baker Hughes, emerson

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by @Govro12 WinterGems Stocks

Sounds very interesting, thanks for sharing.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by @Govro12 WinterGems Stocks

Excellent. You are right - it really checks all the boxes.

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slam dunk ! for me

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Many thanks for sharing, a very interesting company, I have only one concern: How did the weak PLN over the last few years positively impact revenues? I fear that the spike in profitability could be partially explained by the weak PLN in the corresponding period. Now PLN hast strengthened significantly again, in my view next quarters (with strong PLN) will become very interesting. Any thoughts on impact of PLN fluctuations on recent and upcoming financial developments? Many thjanks!

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